Tuesday, January 17, 2006

So...I know we already posted something recent but I just can't resist sharing these with you all. Anthony is usually the one posting things. But after reading some of the other blog's out there, I felt I needed to share the joy in my life. I don't have anything profound to say except for....I have found more joy and fulfillment in raising my two amazing girls than anything else. There are those moments I wonder why I wanted to be a mom but as you can see those thoughts are simply forgotten...There is so much joy in this house!



About Brandon said...

What Up A-Dawg & Joy!

Great to see some pics of what you've been up to... it's been a while!

Looks like you're doing really well - that's awesome!

Blogs are a great, huh? - let's stay in touch!


Mel & Co. said...

hey! omigosh i have totally been checking the wrong blog for you guys?! do you have two? I always checked it and it was always the same 3 pics. These pics of your girls are so adorable...they are growing up!
SO CUTE! Nice to hear from you...thats so great you download the office and watch it in bed....LOL!

tony and joy said...

Thanks Mel, yeah this is our new blog, ignore the other one.